Teri believes, many people pretend to be something that they are not. They pretend to be successful, educated, organized and even healthy. When the truth is everything is not perfect and sometimes all hell is breaking loose. "We wear these masks so that we can give the appearance that everything is perfect. We care about appearances and what people think about us. When actually everyone has skeletons that they are praying will never fall out of the closet."
Teri learned this lesson the hard way after her husband and family lost everything they had and were homeless with no place to go. "I continued to pretend that everything was ok and I never asked anyone for help. I was wearing a mask. After a serious bout with depression and suicidal thoughts, I let go of my failures and began to embrace my future."
Teri Washington's calling and mission since then has been to share her story with the world, so that others can also find the freedom to Take off the Mask.
This best-seller will teach you:
- How to find out if you are wearing a mask
- How to accept your failures and let go of guilt and shame
- How to embrace your authentic self and walk in total liberty
Teri is also the COO of Shofar Communictions Group and the President and Founder of 3rd Dimension Publishing. She is the Associate Pastor of The Shofar Church in Brooklyn, NY with her husband of 20 years. Teri has three children all whom rise and call her blessed.