Tuesday, July 29, 2008

God Keeps His promises

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Heb 10:23

God heard our prayers and the Back 2 School Bash was a success. We had everything that we needed and then some to have a wonderful day. We met families and lots of children. One of the families in particular had two small children and one on the way any day. We learned that they were living in a hotel not to far from the park. They are unfortunate victoms of hurricane Katrina and have been moving from place to place ever since. They frequent the park daily to get the kids out of the mundane hotel room. The love of Jesus was contagious and they were quickly drawn in. Pastor George prayed the sinners prayer with the husband of this small family and he accepted the Lord into his heart.

After meeting them and hearing there story, I knew that the fight that we endured to have the event, and the push I felt all week to give birth to something; was all for them. That's why we must not faint in the midst of our struggle because there is a blessing on the other side of through. I know it is difficult especially when it seems like there is no relief in sight. After you get through one thing there are 10 other challenges facing you. Even in battle there is a time that both sides retreat to tend to there wounds and energize themselves again. The enemy of our souls knows that his time is near so he has intensified his attacks and has become relentless with no time for reprieve.

That's fine, because we are not ignorant concerning his devices we know our enemy and we know in whom we serve. The bible says the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2Corinths 10:4niv

The word of God pierces through the enemies plans and it cuts through his devices. It does not matter what the devil tries to do to us. The weapon will form, but it will not prosper. For He who has promised is faithful. We must remember that if God said it; it will come to pass. God is not a man, that he should lie,nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? num 23:19

We can stand on the word of God when everything else is passing away. We know that His word, which is His promises, will never pass away. When I am faced with challenges, instead of getting discouraged, I quickly pull out my arsenal in the Word of God and I recall what God said about the situation.

When I'm facing financial trouble: God said, "He would supply all of my needs, according to his riches in glory."

When problems are overwhelming me: God said, "All things work together for good, to them that love the Lord....

When I am feeling defeated: God said "I can do all things."

When I feel all alone: God said, "He would not leave me, neither would He forsake me."

So then let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

Be blessed.


Unknown said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on my post over at the Internet Cafe. I am so thrilled you left a comment BECAUSE.... it lead me to your blog. I have been reading through your posts and just wanted to tell you how much you have blessed me with your words.

I love many of the things you said in today's post, but one thing in particular struck me:

"That's why we must not faint in the midst of our struggle because there is a blessing on the other side of through."

I LOVE this and it is right in line with some of the things I talked about today on my blog.

Thank you for allowing God to use you through your blog. I LOVE your heart for Him!!!

Aunt Angie said...

What an uplifting post!I really enjoyed reading this :)
Thank you for your kind words on my Cafe` post today!