Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Watchmen stay on the wall....Don't come down

Every since we’ve moved here to Atlanta and started our ministry. God has given me Wednesday at 12:00noon for Corporate Intercessory Prayer. Over the past several weeks there has been no one showing up. So I decided today, I would not have prayer. I figured if it’s suppose to be corporate prayer and I’m the only one, then it’s not really corporate prayer.

At 11:52 my 17 year old son, (who I have been warring in the spirit for) came into my office to get something and said, “Oh, I’m sorry you are about to have prayer right? I jokenly replied, “How do you know my schedule?” He said, Mommy, You’ve been having prayer the same time every week since we’ve been here.” Feeling a gentle tug on my heart from the Holy Spirit I said, “Yes, yes I’m having prayer in just a few minutes.”

Isn’t it good to be reminded that it is God who have called you to prayer. Sometimes we get frustrated when others don’t feel the urgency as we do to pray without ceasing. It even seems as if our prayers are not being answered. But just then God will send the very thing/person you’ve been praying for to remind you that prayer works. And if no one shows up HE will be their waiting to agree with you. Be encouraged Watchmen, God has appointed you to the wall, do not come down. Pray without ceasing.

In His Presence,

Pastor Teri

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