I'm not making this up. A Michigan gay man has filed a federal suit against Thomas Nelson Publishing and Zondervan siting their bibles discriminates against gays.
Bradley Fowler takes issue with
First Corinthians, Chapter Six, Verse Nine that states: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God."
Fowler said he believes the use of the word homosexual in the Bibles is a misinterpretation and that the verse isn't translated correctly. His family pastor used that version of the verse in sermons and that because the pastor used it, his family considers him a sinner.
Fowler said he's suing "to compensate for the past 20 years of emotional duress and mental instability."
This is insane, besides the obvious confusion of his gender, this man is sadly mistaken that the publishers of the bible are actually the authors of the bible.
I take issue with Mr. Fowler on so many levels.
I take issue as a Christian publisher, and as a christian publisher, I can say that this is a calling. To write and publish the inspired words of God so that people everywhere would come to know Jesus Christ as Lord is indeed an assignement from God himself. Inspirational books, bibles, videos and music, in no way bring in the revenue of "main stream" publishing. So as publishers if this is the genre that we are working in, I believe it is because we have been commissioned to do it. Therefore, whatever we produce it is not a personal attack on anyone, but I do say, the material that we produce is a personal attack on sin. We are just saying what HE said.
Thomas Nelson Publishers and Zondervan are two of the nations largest christian publishers. Who published the New International Version (NIV) of the bible translating it from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. There translation of the text in question seeks to bring a current understanding from the King James Version the words fornicators and effeminate. In the greek the word fornicators is pornos where we get the word pornography. Effeminate in the greek is malakos which is translated as uncertain affinity; soft. The NIVconverts the term to sexually immoral and homosexual offenders.
I take issue as a Christian. I take issue Mr. Fowler; and every demon that would try to attack the Word of God. The Bible is our foundation. The bible is what the church and christianity is built upon. It is my very survival. With everything that is taken place in the world today, the Word of God is the only thing that is consistant. It never changes. I can stand on it and will not loose my footing. We that believe in the blood-sprinkled book, must study it and eat of it daily. We must hunger for the word, more than our necessary food.
The Bible comes from the Greek word "Biblios" which simply means "Book". It is known as the greatest book ever written because, it is the inspired words of God, the "God-breathed" words.
The Word is described to be like:
The Word is likeFire Jeremiah 23:29
It burns, cleanses and purges all that is contrary to its holy standard
The Word is like a Hammer Jeremiah 23:29
It smashes and demolishes evil
The Word is like a Lamp Psalm 119: 105
It's an instrument of light and illumination in the darkeness
The Word is like a Mirror James 1:23
It reveals to us what we are and what we can be in God
The Word is like Milk 1Peter 2:2
It nourishes the young in Christ
The Word is like a Rod Revelation 11:1-2
As a measuring instrument it is the Divine standard inall matters of faith and practices
The Word is like a Seed 1Peter 1:23; Luke 8:11; James 1:18
It is a germinating life producing Word, having the potential of eternal life within it
The Word is like Water Ephesians 5:26; John 15:3; 17:17; Psalm 119:5,9
It is life giving, refreshing and a cleansing agent
The Word is like Gold Psalm 19:7-10; Job 28:1 Proverbs 25:2
It is of priceless value. The Bible is an inexhaustable gold mine where one can dig out treasures for ever.
The Word is like Honey Psalm 19:10; Revelation 10:10
It is sweet to the taste
The Word is like a Nail Ecclesiastes 12:11
It is fastened in a sure place. We can safely hang things on it.
The Word is like Bread Matthew 4:4 Deuteronomy 8:3; Psalm 119:103;
It is the staff of life, ever fresh, and meant for daily consumption
If Mr. Fowler has any issue, then his issue is not with the publishers. It is not with those who were inspired to write the scripture. We are just messengers.
Mr. Fowler's issue is with God.
Paul tells Timothy, "all scripture is given by inspiration (God-Breathed) of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2Timothy 3:16
Don't brush this off as just a silly story, but this is another end time sign. This is an attack on Christendom. The Church is being challenged to accept everything that the world is doing, in the name of love. And we do love, we just can not love or accept sin. I concur with Tye Tribbett it is time to Stand Out, there is no more time for compromise.
Let me know how you feel.
Read the full story.
Man Sues Publishers For $70M Over BiblesWSMV - Nashville,TN,USAA Christian publisher in Nashville is in the middle of a multimillion dollar legal fight over its Bibles. A Michigan man has filed a federal lawsuit ...See all stories on this topic
This is just completely unbelievable! Although, ya know... I have to say... I'm not surprised. Sigh... I think this is just the beginning!
You're right, this man's issue is not with Thomas Nelson or Zondervan or even with Christians in general. He turned his back on God it appears a long time ago and wants (needs) justification for his life choices. In his case he's going to have to change God's mind, and that's just not possible!
Come, Lord Jesus!
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